American Eagle ® Systems, which are designed for hot and cold stamping system modules sales in Turkey and the Middle East market together.
“Turkey in the market, with our partners we are stronger”

China – Zhejiang Dayuan Machinery Co., Ltd. Ltd, as a result of the partnership agreement that we made at the end of 2017, a new breath and quality has come with the know-how of Image Machinery in the cutting machines.

TSH – Technic Service Hückeswagen GMBH – Germany, Our partner in the purchase and sale of various spare parts for flat cutting machines.

PERIVO.Bv Netherland is a Dutch partner in the buying and selling of flat cuting machines.

BAO-DER Enterprise Corp.-Taiwan, is a manufacturer of Cardboard-Corrugated Laminated Carton and IML (INVOLVE) cutting machines and has been cooperating with new machinery design, sales and technical service.
Within the framework of cooperation with BAODER, the first joint design-development project carried out in 2008, 1050 CS series precision cutting machine was developed for IML (INVOLVE) material and serial production was started.
BAODER machine from the CS 1050 in Turkey, (Izmir-2 Packaging Yilmaz, 1 and 1 in Izmir-Istanbul-packaging Icon Design for Printing) has made a total of 4 machines for sale. IML Cutting machines are much thinner and more flexible compared to cardboard. IML stands out with the same tolerances, high quality and speed.

American International Machinery USA Inc.- agreement made with reference to the 2 machines for sale Turkey after technical services (maintenance-repair- revision) giving has been delivered to the user.

SHIN CHYI Enterprise Co. Ltd.-Taiwan, full-automatic size cutting machines with the manufacturer in cooperation with the sale of size cutting machine, Izmir-Icon packaging 1 full automatic size cutting machine was sold.

CARE GRAPHIC Machinery Ltd.UK-ENGLAND, second-hand machinery trading company from England began with the partnership agreement made with heavy machinery to provide sales and technical services to Turkey and are continuing.

PP-LION, Germany and Europe’s leading second-hand machinery sales giant, machine sales, technical support based on all kinds of cooperation are made. Following the partnership agreement and numerous European trading second-hand machines in Turkey and technical support we continue to increase our cooperation is made.